Act on Specified Commercial Transactions



Seller's Address


Tokyo港区六本木三丁目2番1号 住友不動産六本木グランドタワー 37F BASE株式会社

Address for BASE Inc., operator of the BASE online shop opening service, is listed here.
Click here to send inquiries regarding Hagurumado Woodcrafts Yokosuka.


Phone number for BASE Inc., operator of the BASE online shop opening service, is listed here.
Click here to send inquiries regarding Hagurumado Woodcrafts Yokosuka.

Hours & Shop Information

Correspondence by email is from 8:00 to 20:00 Japan time.

About Price

The selling price will be the displayed price (display price / consumption tax included).

About Payment Billing Date

Payment method: Payment by credit card and Paypal are available. Payment time: Payment will be confirmed when the product order is confirmed.

Post pay(Pay ID):

・ Convenience store: Pay on the 10th of the month following purchase: Payment service fee: 350 JPY (tax included)

・ Bank account transfer: Debited account by the 27th of the following month : Payment service fee: Free

Shipping Date

We will ship within 5 days of receiving your delivery request.

Notes on Refund and Returning Goods

Basically, we do not accept returns unless the product is defective.